Thursday, September 15, 2016

Android 7.0 Nougat update will finally hit the Nexus 6 and LTE Nexus 9

You may have read that Android 7.0 Nougat started rolling out to devices supported by Google on August 22. You may also know that the Motorola Nexus 6 and the LTE-capable model of the HTC Nexus 9 are both members of that supported device list. Knowing these things you may have been asking yourself why neither has been updated to Nougat yet. If you own either one of these devices, you've been waiting for weeks to hear Google say something - anything - about why the release has been delayed.
And until now the search giant has managed to stay fully silent on the matter. What it did say to Android Police today, however, isn't much. Basically, the updates are still on the way (so there's no conspiracy to wait until October and then say the Nexus 6 has reached the end of life, support-wise). When will they hit? In a few weeks.
Really, the statement is that vague, and there's nothing more to it. No reason has been given for the delay, no explanation, nothing. At this point you have little choice but to wait - a timetable for the rollout isn't available yet. In the meantime, if you're on Marshmallow, are dying to taste some Nougat, and don't mind running possibly buggy software, you can enroll in the Beta program and you'll get the last Developer Preview for Android 7.0.

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